Here is a look at some of the classic signs to be looked out for when you suspect that your partner might have a narcissistic personality disorder.
Almost always a big ego
Firstly, it should be noted that many of us have some narcissistic tendencies, to a certain degree, and the amount of people who suffer from a clinically diagnosed case of narcissistic personality disorder is quite low.
However, narcissistic traits are still quite damaging to a relationship and one of the classic pointers is when someone has what could be described as an inflated ego.
Invariably, an inflated ego often points to deep-rooted feelings of insecurity, but if your partner seems to constantly need praise and attention that is a classic sign of narcissism.
Emotionally detached
Another frustrating personality trait is when your partner seems to be lacking in any sort of empathy.
Often, they are so obsessed with their own inner-focus a narcissistic person can display an alarming lack of empathy.
Defensive attitude
A narcissist will often display a noticeable inability to take any sort of criticism onboard however well-intentioned it is.
A typical reaction would be to adopt a defensive attitude and even go on the attack to deflect criticism aimed at them.
Playing the blame game
It is in their DNA to assume that they are always right and that is why a narcissist will usually place the blame for something going wrong on you.
Although this attitude is usually adopted to cover up their insecurities, it can be very challenging to be blamed most of the time when there is a problem.
Struggling to keep a lid on it
Someone with a narcissistic personality will often have anger issues.
Regular angry outbursts are often a reliable indication of narcissistic tendencies, especially when other signs also point to the same outcome.
Probably one of the most frustrating aspects of living with a narcissist is the fact that they are most likely to refuse to accept your assertion that they have any sort of personality problem whatsoever.
One of the biggest problems to get around is that a narcissist will always take steps to protect their ego.
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